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"The Humble Character of a Living Faith" (O le Uiga Loto Maulalo o se Fa'atuatua Ola)

Oct 2, 2022    Lead Pastor Matthew Taumua

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"The Humble Character of a Living Faith"
O le Uiga Loto Maulalo o se Fa’atuatua Ola

James (Iakopo) 4:6-10 NKJV (SOV)

3 Humble Characters of a Living Faith
3 Uiga Loto Maulalo o se Fa’atuatua Ola

1. Submit to God
Ia Gauai atu i le Atua

2. Resist the Devil
Ia Tetee atu i le Tiapolo

3. Draw near to God
Ia Fa’alatalata atu i le Atua


**We do not own the rights to the songs used in this livestream**